70 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Runtun Waktu pada Pola Kemunculan Penyakit dengan SARIMA

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    Penyakit adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan manusia. Dalam mengatasi masalah kesehatan yang ada, maka diperlukan analisis prediksi untuk membantu mengatasinya lebih awal dan merencanakan pencegahan serta pengendalian terhadap penyakit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Prediksi pola runtun waktu penyakit pada pemodelan data kesehatan di RSUD Argamakmur dengan diketahuinya pola-pola penyakit yang ada. Prediksi Pola Runtun waktu yang memiliki pola musiman, yang mengambil seluruh kemungkinan pola-pola data yang ada, sehingga akan memprediksi dan menganalisis runtun waktu dalam mendapatkan model prediksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis runtun waktu untuk pemodelan SARIMA. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Prediksi pada 6 bulan ke depan dari Model Terbaik yang didapatkan, yaitu : data penyakit Demam Thypoid ARIMA(1,1,1) mengalami kenaikan 3,08%, data penyakit Gastroeteritis ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami kenaikan 0,51%, data penyakit Dispepsia ARIMA(0,1,2) mengalami kenaikan 0,55%, data penyakit Anemia Akut  ARIMA(1,0,2) mengalami penurunan 0,4%, data penyakit Bronkopneumonia ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami penurunan 0,58%, data penyakit Diare Akut ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami kenaikan 0,2%, data penyakit Vertigo  ARIMA(1,0,2) mengalami penurunan 0,64%, data penyakit Stroke ARIMA(1,1,1) mengalami penurunan 0,28%, data penyakit Tumor ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami penurunan 1%, data penyakit Asma ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami penurunan  0,21%, data penyakit DM ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami penurunan 0,47%, dan data penyakit TB Paru ARIMA(1,0,1) mengalami penurunan 0,14%

    Harnessing remote sensed and cloud-based data to improve the management of conservation and biodiversity in Indonesia

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    Indonesia is one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth. Conservation management in such an environment relies on an integration between technology and local knowledge and wide stakeholder participation. This research presents a novel approach to processing satellite remote sensing scenes of the Indonesian archipelago, to provide the longest ever record of land use change as baseline data for conservation activities. 144,438 individual Landsat scenes covering 222 spatial tiles comprising the entire country were used to map spatial and temporal patterns in deforestation over the 43 years between 1972 and 2016. The processing stream comprised an innovative machine-learning algorithm utilising matrix completion and wavelet analysis to improve the annual resolution of imagery and to reduce the occurrence of cloud-affected pixels. The analysis improves upon both the spatial and temporal resolution of space-based deforestation mapping and shows that total rate of Indonesian deforestation surpassed that of Brazil in 2009. Deforestation trends are also linked to a range of land-use changes, for example the conversion of forested land into agricultural areas. More than 150,000 km2^2 of the country are now occupied by palm oil plantations, of which ~ 30; 000 km2^2 are within forested areas designated as protected land. Furthermore, 42% of the remaining forested land in Indonesia are classified as degraded land, reducing the quality of the remnant forest cover with important impacts for sustainable land management and biodiversity. The outcomes of this novel deforestation and land-use mapping approach led to the development of an Information Technology framework for use by the Indonesian government to aid data collection in conservation management. This information collection complies with global meta data structures to contribute to conservation and biodiversity management. The framework employed incorporates cloud-based biodiversity data based on standard formats for use in further research. Finally, a mobile application was developed to assist forest rangers to collect data in remote areas. Preliminary usage showed that implementation of the mobile application helped to record fauna movement patterns and forest structure information. The mobile application and web GIS are well used by forest practitioners, with 66% of forest rangers using the approach. These results demonstrate the importance of remote sensing based mapping and of technology integration in biodiversity and conservation management efforts in Indonesi


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    Bank Indonesia is the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia and an independent state institution, free from interference from the Government or other parties. Bank Indonesia Bengkulu City has a field of Advisory and Economic Development, which uses information technology to handle and assist operational activities. However, there is no clarity regarding the level of the company's ability to manage information technology. This has an impact on the use of IT that is not in line with company goals. Based on these problems, it is necessary to have a capability level in managing information technology using the COBIT framework, to assist companies in utilizing IT to be in line with company goals, through improving quality and value and simplifying the implementation of an organization's process flow from the information technology perspective. So the researchers chose COBIT as the framework that will be used in this research. From the results of the study, it was obtained that the Capability level got a level 4 value for the as is state. Meanwhile, for the condition of Bank Indonesia Bengkulu Province in the Advisory and Economic Development Sector, it expects to reach level 5. Gap analysis is determined by the condition of the current level with the expected level, where the current level is 4 and the expected level is 5 so that the results obtained The analysis gap is 1. This means that Bank Indonesia Bengkulu Province in the Advisory and Economic Development Sector must meet the requirements for process capability indicators at level 5 which have not been met. Such as constantly developing new technologies through innovative ideas based on the company's information technology potential

    Perbandingan Pengolahan DAS Bengkulu Menggunakan NDVI dan Maximum Likelihood

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    DAS adalah daerah daratan yang merupakan bagian integral dari sungai dan anak-anak sungainya. DAS berfungsi untuk menampung, menyimpan dan mengalirkan air yang berasal dari curah hujan ke danau atau ke laut secara alami, batas di darat adalah pemisah topografi dan batas di laut ke perairan yang masih dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas darat. Pemetaan tutupan lahan di daerah aliran sungai penting untuk memahami masalah yang terjadi di daerah aliran sungai seperti kualitas air yang menurun dan rentan terhadap tanah longsor atau banjir. Dalam studi ini, pemetaan area penutup DAS Rindu Hati dilakukan dari 2014 hingga 2018 dengan menggunakan citra satelit Landsat 8 menggunakan metode Maximum Likelihood dan NDVI. Peta tutupan lahan kemudian diproses dan ditampilkan menggunakan media webGIS. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam pengelolaan DAS Rindu Hati di masa depan untuk mendukung lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja algoritme kemungkinan maksimum menghasilkan akurasi yang lebih baik (95,81%) daripada hasil yang dihasilkan oleh NDVI (92,85%) untuk proses klasifikasi di DAS Rindu Hati. Pengujian dilakukan ke dalam 100 titik data acak dari hasil klasifikasi dalam kegiatan pemeriksaan lapangan. Kemungkinan maksimum juga menunjukkan waktu pemrosesan yang lebih baik untuk klasifikasi 5 kelas pada nilai rata-rata 0,023 detik daripada algoritme NDVI yang menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 0,031 detik.Kata Kunci: DAS, maximum likelihood, NDVI, remote sensing, webGIS.


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    Abstrak: Perpustakaan Bina Ilmu merupakan salah satu perpustakaan desa yang ada di Desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Bengkulu Tengah. Perpustakaan yang didirikan pada tahun 2019 melalui dana desa ini menjadi salah satu sumber literasi bagi masyarakat desa. Keterbatasan sumber pustaka di desa memberikan peluang bagi perpustakaan sebagai lembaga di bawah pemerintahan desa untuk hadir dan berperan dalam meningkatkan literasi masyarakat. Namun berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan, pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh pengelola perpustakaan masih sangat minim, sehingga banyak menemui kendala dalam mengambil peran tersebut. Belum optimalnya pemanfaatan teknologi untuk memperkaya sumber literasi yang dapat merangsang peningkatan minat baca masyarakat menjadi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra, dalam hal ini adalah pengelola perpustakaan. Program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat bertujuan untuk membantu menguatkan peran perpustakaan Bina Ilmu mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi melalui penerapan teknologi. Upaya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan melalui program yang terdiri dari pengembangan sistem informasi manajemen perpustakaan, penyediaan akses internet di lingkungan perpustakaan, dan mendampingi mitra menyusun program kerja. Saat ini di perpustakaan Bina Ilmu telah tersedia akses internet yang mampu memberikan sumber literasi bagi masyarakat Desa Sidodadi. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam waktu empat bulan sejak Juli 2022 ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan minat baca yang ditunjukkan dengan bertambahnya pengunjung sebanyak 39%. Penerimaan pengguna pada sistem informasi manajemen perpustakaan yang dikembangkan telah diukur dengan System Usability Scale menunjukkan skor 72 yang termasuk ke dalam kategori baik. Abstract: The use of technology has not been optimal in enriching literacy resources that can stimulate an increase in public interest in reading is a problem faced by our partners. The Bina Ilmu Library is one of the village libraries in Sidodadi, Central Bengkulu District. The library was established in 2019 through village funds and has become a source of literacy for village communities. The limited library resources in the village provide an opportunity for the library as an institution under the village government to attend and play a role in improving community literacy. However, based on observations, the management staff's knowledge is limited to maintain and achieve that. Quite steps have been taken to achieve this goal through a program consisting of developing a library management system, providing internet access in the library environment, and assisting partners in preparing work programs. The availability of internet access in the library has provided a source of literacy for the people of Sidodadi Village. The community service program implemented within four months from July 2022 has shown increasing reading interest, which is indicated by an increase in visitors by 15% until September. User acceptance of the library management information system has been measured by the System Usability Scale and shows a score of 72, which is included in the good category. Abstrak: Perpustakaan Bina Ilmu merupakan salah satu perpustakaan desa yang ada di Desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Bengkulu Tengah. Perpustakaan yang didirikan pada tahun 2019 melalui dana desa ini menjadi salah satu sumber literasi bagi masyarakat desa. Keterbatasan sumber pustaka di desa memberikan peluang bagi perpustakaan sebagai lembaga di bawah pemerintahan desa untuk hadir dan berperan dalam meningkatkan literasi masyarakat. Namun berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan, pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh pengelola perpustakaan masih sangat minim, sehingga banyak menemui kendala dalam mengambil peran tersebut. Belum optimalnya pemanfaatan teknologi untuk memperkaya sumber literasi yang dapat merangsang peningkatan minat baca masyarakat menjadi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra, dalam hal ini adalah pengelola perpustakaan. Program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat bertujuan untuk membantu menguatkan peran perpustakaan Bina Ilmu mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi melalui penerapan teknologi. Upaya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan melalui program yang terdiri dari pengembangan sistem informasi manajemen perpustakaan, penyediaan akses internet di lingkungan perpustakaan, dan mendampingi mitra menyusun program kerja. Saat ini di perpustakaan Bina Ilmu telah tersedia akses internet yang mampu memberikan sumber literasi bagi masyarakat Desa Sidodadi. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam waktu empat bulan sejak Juli 2022 ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan minat baca yang ditunjukkan dengan bertambahnya pengunjung sebanyak 39%. Penerimaan pengguna pada sistem informasi manajemen perpustakaan yang dikembangkan telah diukur dengan System Usability Scale menunjukkan skor 72 yang termasuk ke dalam kategori baik. Kata Kunci: desa; perputakaan; literasi; teknologi informasi. Abstract: The use of technology has not been optimal in enriching literacy resources that can stimulate an increase in public interest in reading is a problem faced by our partners. The Bina Ilmu Library is one of the village libraries in Sidodadi, Central Bengkulu District. The library was established in 2019 through village funds and has become a source of literacy for village communities. The limited library resources in the village provide an opportunity for the library as an institution under the village government to attend and play a role in improving community literacy. However, based on observations, the management staff's knowledge is limited to maintain and achieve that. Quite steps have been taken to achieve this goal through a program consisting of developing a library management system, providing internet access in the library environment, and assisting partners in preparing work programs. The availability of internet access in the library has provided a source of literacy for the people of Sidodadi Village. The community service program implemented within four months from July 2022 has shown increasing reading interest, which is indicated by an increase in visitors by 15% until September. User acceptance of the library management information system has been measured by the System Usability Scale and shows a score of 72, which is included in the good category. Keywords: information technology; library; literacy; village.


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    SIEPEL is an evaluation application for teaching and learning process in University of Bengkulu. It is mandatory for every student to fill the questionnaire before they can see the marking value for each subject each semester. This survey was designed to meet the requirements and expectations of students as educational service for customers.  This data is very important to improve the quality of teaching and learning process for further policy and decision maker. However, the analysis of the data remains an open question as the size and the distribution of the data is become some issues to process the analysis. Here, we showed the new approach to analysis the data using K-Means Clustering to see the better distribution and understanding over the evaluation data. This paper used elbow method to find the best number of clusters to be implemented on the algorithm approach which results in four clusters of satisfaction values (unsatisfied, less satisfied, satisfied, and very satisfied). The result of this analysis was published based on website system to show the visualization of analysis. Furthermore, this research showed that the average value of evaluation result for 4 semester was very satisfied 6.50%; satisfied 43.89%; less satisfied         44.26%; and not satisfied 5.36%. The value of vary satisfied students was dropped from 20.47% to 0.12% by 2 years and the value for less satisfied was increased from 27.64% to 66.32%. This term was happened because of the pandemic era and the change on the process of learning and teaching on University of Bengkulu


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    Kesadaran masyarakat untuk berhemat energi listrik masih rendah. Penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan dan tidak sesuai kebutuhan sering terjadi terutama pada listrik kampus. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya suatu kesadaran dalam penghematan listrik dan pemasangan teknologi tepat guna seperti RFID Card Energy Saving. Sehingga dari penggunaan alat tersebut dapat menghemat dan meminimumkan penggunaan energi listrik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada group orang tua wali murid yang merupakan pengguna listrik yang mengalami peningkatan konsumsi selama masa pandemic dikarena WFH dan SFH. Pada proses pengabdian ini, alat RFID dibagikan kepada 6 orang pengguna beruntung untuk dipasang di rumahnya dan melihat bagaimana penggunaan alat tersebut dapat mengurangi pengurangan beban penggunaan listrik di rumah

    Web-GIS mapping for watershed and land cover area in Bengkulu

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    Naturally, watershed has a function to accomodate and store water from rainfall to the lake or to the sea. It is affected by land activities and shaped as a boundary of topographic land and as a separator from the sea. Managing the area is one of essential steps for further environment assessement, i.e. decreasing water quality and vulnerability to landslides or floods. However, the ability of web-GIS technology to help the management of watershed area in Bengkulu is still unknown. Here, we showed how the process of Web GIS development for managing the watershade in Bengkulu could be achived. This study mapped the 2018 land cover area of Rindu Hati Sub-watershed by utilizing Landsat 8 satellite images using the Maximum Likelihood method. The land cover map was then processed and displayed using webGIS media. The results showed that the system accuracy for ground truth land use model result was 77.4% which could be accepted as a good result. Further assessment of pixel validation could be one of the future research. We anticipated that the results could be a starting point for more sophisticated area cover of Sumatra and Indonesia. Furthermore, this could be a major development on knowledge discovery in environment and ecology


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    Scientific article recommendation still remains one of the challenging issues in education, including learning process. Difficulties in finding related articles from research history and research interest have been experienced by students in collage affecting the duration of study and research time. This paper proposed a new solution by building a search engine to collect and to recommend articles related to student research topics. The system combined the web scraping method as an article data retrieval technique on google scholar and item-based collaborative filtering to recommend the article.  Parameters result produced based on items of user’s history, including item-searched, clicked, and downloaded. The system was built on a web-based scientific article recommendation system using python programming language. This system recommends articles based on the preferences of users and other users who are affiliated and who have an interest in the same item. This research showed that the validation result from the system obtained a recommendation accuracy value over 0.516801. The percentage of the RMSE error value of the recommendation system is 8.62%, or in other words that the accuracy of the recommendation system is 91.28%

    Flood Vulnerability Analysis using Weighted Overlay

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    Several areas in Bengkulu City are affected by floods every year; one of the worst is the Sungai Serut sub-district.  The existence of a river that stretches along Sungai Serut also plays a role in floods over the Bengkulu area. Furthermore, this study to see the priority area over this district is still limited.  Mapping flood areas is one way to provide information, especially for decision-makers in flood control using geographic information systems. Our research aims to map flood vulnerability areas based on land height, slope, and river buffer by weighting these criteria. This thematic map is the result of overlaying several maps according to the flood vulnerability criteria. The results of this study indicate that Sungai Serut is an area with "Very Vulnerable" and "Vulnerable" levels of flood vulnerability. The story of flood vulnerability is dominated by gently sloping contours, with land elevation levels mostly below 20 m above sea level. In addition, the thing that exacerbates the potential for flood vulnerability is the existence of the river that runs along the Sungai Serut sub-district.Several areas in Bengkulu City are affected by floods every year; one of the worst is the Sungai Serut sub-district.  The existence of a river that stretches along Sungai Serut also plays a role in floods over the Bengkulu area. Furthermore, this study to see the priority area over this district is still limited.  Mapping flood areas is one way to provide information, especially for decision-makers in flood control using geographic information systems. Our research aims to map flood vulnerability areas based on land height, slope, and river buffer by weighting these criteria. This thematic map is the result of overlaying several maps according to the flood vulnerability criteria. The results of this study indicate that Sungai Serut is an area with "Very Vulnerable" and "Vulnerable" levels of flood vulnerability. The story of flood vulnerability is dominated by gently sloping contours, with land elevation levels mostly below 20 m above sea level. In addition, the thing that exacerbates the potential for flood vulnerability is the existence of the river that runs along the Sungai Serut sub-district
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